Reformation Sunday = bagpiping at Portland's hippest, old church
Above: picture of my secret gaming lair on a typical Sunday morning. Except NOT. (I would post an actual picture of my Sunday morning gaming lair but then the internet would see me laying in bed wearing my bathrobe and drinking scotch)
I had the great pleasure of playing at First Presbyterian Church (that one right downtown you've walked by a million times but couldn't enter because you couldn't figure out the ancient doorknobs) for Reformation Sunday. As you can see from the picture the interior of the sanctuary is incredibly awesome, and will probably make you dream of putting on your powder wig and holding your next mock-trial meeting inside. The staff and congregation alike were extremely nice and generous, and thank god because WOW WAS MY HIGH A FLAT! So flat!! My good God!!!
PS: Special thanks to Greg H. who is probably the nicest and most accommodating client I've ever met and who agrees that 1) bagpipes and full organ are probably the best instruments ever made in the history of man, and 2) God made the bagpipes before he even imagined that cutting off your foreskins would be a good idea. SNIPPITY SNIP. SCOTLAND THE BRAVE.